Friday, January 15, 2010

Heartbreaking Suffering in Haiti

In disaster, along side the heartwarming stories of strength and depth of character, there are always stories of unimaginable suffering,and the pain is driven deeper by those who trod on the weak. This earthquake in Haiti has shaken the world. In the core of the human spirit there is a shameful seed of ugliness beyond belief, and it can drive anyone to suprisingly selfish acts against strangers, and worse, against friends and family who are already suffering. It is shocking to see greed, selfishness, and cruelty at the expense of those who are already in shambles. Relief is on it's way from many countries around the world; but in the meantime, callous hearts are steep in corruption, looting, and heartbreaking cruelty. It is a sad sight. This aspect of mankind remains on the downside of life.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Pessimism and cynicism

2 blogs, 2 ideas... An experiment to explore the upside and the downside of life. This blog seeks to find out what it is like to look at life expecting the worst, expecting disappointment, and expecting to be sad and hurt. What causes bitterness? Is it loss of hope, is it a practiced art? Is it an accumulated affect of constantly licking wounds, complaining, and general glumness? Does misery really love company? Will I have more friends if I am living on the downside? Does the squeaky wheel get the grease? Will I accomplish more if I complain and complain loudly? I'm wondering? For the second half of my life which side will be the best side to live on? The upside or the downside? I have until my 50th birthday to decide.